

WELCO peristaltic pumps are are very popular products. Thanks to good performance and reliability are used in many areas. Few of them are medical care, analysis, printing, washing and industrial machines. These peristaltic pumps are available in four sizes with different performance: WPM, WPX1, WP1000 / WP1100 and WP1200.

Choose the WELCO peristaltic pump suitable for your application:

Japońskie pompy perystaltyczne WELCO


Manufacturer of peristaltic pumps

WELCO Co., Ltd. is a Japanese company whose flagship product is peristaltic pumps. Her name is the acronym of World Electronic Corporation. The history of this organization dates back to 1971, when Yukio Kon began selling products, hoping that the company would be unique in the world, primarily due to the offered electronic products.

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